Jan 27, 2009


yesterday was the last day of school. so i got the week off since its regents week blah.... ne whooo after school shanii tau nd I went to canal to the gauge store soo i could get the utensils to start stretching my ear. i was kinda madd that i didnt start before soo now i gotta take it slow and let it heal nd stuff soo i wont get a "blowout". A "blowout" is when the tissue is pushed back when stretching and heals like that. A lot of scar tissue builds up and you have small “growths” on the backs on your earlobes. This is permanent and usually requires surgery to remove this extra tissue.
thats just disgusting nd my ears are to lightskin for the dark scar tissue to be hanging there like a marble yuck. newayy my stretch is very small for the time being imma wait 2 weeks then go a little bigger. neway we went nd got my stuff and shanii was gunna buy k-fed(her hubby) a new lip ring but she pussied out lmaoo then we went to mickey d's nd chilled nd talked about madd shit it was cool. when i got home i took a shower and tried to stretch my ear ... it freakin hurt the 1st time but it was ok for the other lobe imma trooper soo it dosent matter =] my lobe is kinda swollen tho but this is how it looks so far for my 1st stretch. sooo thats it for todayyy's post nd HAPPY BIRATHDAY TO SHANII i love her <3

here are some other pictures:


  1. your hair color is so pretty mama.

    & gauges? i hate themm.
    well they look badd on some niggas though.
    i've seen dudes with gauges so big i can put my hands through them...omg. lol.

  2. oh sweet now ul have bigger ears. and ur hair is cool

  3. ur gunna look sexy with gauges, and i love you tau and ashani!!!!!!!!!
